#LeetCode #tree #Java #초급 알고리즘 문제 #초급 알고리즘 문제풀이 #math #Git #초급 알고리즘 문제 풀이 #til #Stack #999. Available Captures for Rook #hash table #dfs #array #자료구조 #Debate #HashMap #1170. Compare Strings by Frequency of the Smallest Character #605. Can Place Flowers #840. Magic Squares In Grid #747. Largest Number At Least Twice of Others #35. Search Insert Position #849. Maximize Distance to Closest Person #26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array #724. Find Pivot Index #66. Plus One #1128. Number of Equivalent Domino Pairs #989. Add to Array-Form of Integer #1. Two Sum #119. Pascal's Triangle II #674. Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence #1010. Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 #628. Maximum Product of Three Numbers #53. Maximum Subarray #118. Pascal's Triangle #746. Min Cost Climbing Stairs #1122. Relative Sort Array #1108. Defanging an IP Address #121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock #268. Missing Number #661. Image Smoother #697. Degree of an Array #167. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted #122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II #217. Contains Duplicate #169. Majority Element #448. Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array #283. Move Zeroes #This house believes that advertising is harmful #485. Max Consecutive Ones #1013. Partition Array Into Three Parts With Equal Sum #896. Monotonic Array #888. Fair Candy Swap #1089. Duplicate Zeros #566. Reshape the Matrix #766. Toeplitz Matrix #THIS HOUSE SUPPORTS HOMESCHOOLING #985. Sum of Even Numbers After Queries #867. Transpose Matrix #1002. Find Common Characters #This house believes parents should be able to choose the sex of their children #509. Fibonacci Number #This house believes State Tennessee is correct to protect teachers who wish to explore the merits of creationism #922. Sort Array By Parity II #This house would ban school uniform #561. Array Partition I #This house believes that internet brings more harm than good #1051. Height Checker #977. Squares of a Sorted Array #Twitter should have maintained its suspension of Politwoops #905. Sort Array By Parity #832. Flipping an Image #THIS HOUSE WOULD LOWER THE VOTING AGE TO 16 #859. Buddy Strings #125. Valid Palindrome #pip install -r requirements.txt -t ./ #pip install -r requirements.txt #686. Repeated String Match #28. Implement strStr() #58. Length of Last Word #14. Longest Common Prefix #680. Valid Palindrome II #20. Valid Parentheses #434. Number of Segments in a String #443. String Compression #THIS HOUSE WOULD ALLOW ADMISSION FOR DONATION SYSTEM IN UNIVERSITY #67. Add Binary #459. Repeated Substring Pattern #THIS HOUSE BELIEVES THAT NEWSPAPERS ARE A THING IN THE PAST #345. Reverse Vowels of a String #debate tips #819. Most Common Word #1071. Greatest Common Divisor of Strings #415. Add Strings #925. Long Pressed Name #551. Student Attendance Record I #541. Reverse String II #788. Rotated Digits #383. Ransom Note #387. First Unique Character in a String #__name__ == "__main__" #520. Detect Capital #13. Roman to Integer #THW allow all PED(performance-enhancing drugs) in professional sports competitions #THIS HOUSE WOULD RAISE THE LEGAL DRINKING AGE TO 18 IN U.S #THIS HOUSE BELIEVES THAT MOTHERS SHOULD STAY AT HOME AND LOOK AFTER THEIR CHILDREN #This house believes that assisted suicide should be legalized #1022. Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers #This house would ban beauty contests #687. Longest Univalue Path #ap debate #This house believes reality television does more harm than good #111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree #This house believes university education should be free #501. Find Mode in Binary Search Tree #THIS HOUSE SUPPORTS DEATH PENALTY #women's rights #112. Path Sum #110. Balanced Binary Tree #This house believes in single-sex schools #animal testing #animal cruelty #THIS HOUSE WOULD BAN ANIMAL TESTING #572. Subtree of Another Tree #도커 기본 명령어 #437. Path Sum III #101. Symmetric Tree #671. Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree #TrollFace #257. Binary Tree Paths #포르노와 뇌 #107. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II #파이썬 계산기 만들기 #543. Diameter of Binary Tree #404. Sum of Left Leaves #783. Minimum Distance Between BST Nodes #530. Minimum Absolute Difference in BST #938. Range Sum of BST #100. Same Tree #108. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree #538. Convert BST to Greater Tree #606. Construct String from Binary Tree #653. Two Sum IV - Input is a BST #993. Cousins in Binary Tree #226. Invert Binary Tree #696. Count Binary Substrings #637. Average of Levels in Binary Tree #429. N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal #824. Goat Latin #104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree #669. Trim a Binary Search Tree #872. Leaf-Similar Trees #897. Increasing Order Search Tree #559. Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree #589. N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal #965. Univalued Binary Tree #617. Merge Two Binary Trees #292. Nim Game #1005. Maximize Sum Of Array After K Negations #860. Lemonade Change #804. Unique Morse Code Words #401. Binary Watch #744. Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target #이진검색 알고리즘 #704. Binary Search #784. Letter Case Permutation #344. Reverse String #290. Word Pattern #557. Reverse Words in a String III #205. Isomorphic Strings #594. Longest Harmonious Subsequence #929. Unique Email Addresses #java til #java_TIL #git checkout --파일명 #447. Number of Boomerangs #git commit --amend #hasp table #git ignore #python iterator #python generator #python getter setter #python oop #python 중첩문과 scope #python comprehension #python lambda #python 이중 반복문 빠져나오기 #git status #git stash #git reset #git squash #초급 알고리즘 문제 #math #python decorator #git pull #git cherrypick #git commit #git revert #git push #git add #Docker #Deep Learning #객체 지향 프로그래밍 #.gitignore #feminism #git clone #kj #Binary Search #Queue #depth first search #hash #git rebase #HashSet #전두엽 #java 기초 #Tkinter #backtracking #재귀 #ap #Hashtable #BP #뇌 #뇌과학 #무의식 #습관 #지능